Arnotts Proposition Testing

Case Study

Project Background

The key objective for the Innovation Workshop is to ascertain what makes shopping easy at Arnotts, explore existing and future service offerings and to understand which propositions are received better than others in order for Arnotts to focus their marketing efforts.

Key areas covered in the Innovation Workshop included the shopping experience, current Arnotts Services, future Arnotts Services and Concept Testing of Christmas Adverts and Media.


An Innovation Workshop was the research method used, where three mini groups of five each rotate across three moderated pods. At the end a group discussion is had amongst the three separate groups with a 4th moderator engaging with everyone on the key insights and ideas generated by each of the three moderators.

The target audience iReach engaged with were divided into three groups; loyal Arnotts shoppers, regular Arnotts shoppers and occasional or lapsed Arnotts shoppers. A wide range of creative assets were used to stimulate engagement by participants and ‘vox pops’ were collected to add visual supports to planned reporting and internal presentations.


A report was produced by iReach Analysts to provide actionable insights and key recommendations concerning shopping experience, current services, future services and which concept will have the most impact on shoppers.